Lim·itnoun"the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc."I thought it would be a good idea to begin with the definition of the word "Limit" since most drivers today seem to have forgotten what it means. Now let me also state that, in an attempt to not be more hypocritical than I need to be, I do typically drive 5 mph over the posted speed limit as to not impede the traffic moving around me any more than is safe in my opinion.
Now that you know that in the above picture I would normally be driving 45 mph, let me state that I would have most drivers either flying past me in the neighboring lane or riding my rear bumper. The tailgating is another issue all together and I will get to that in a future post. I just feel that the number of motorists today that are driving 10, 15 or even more mph over the posted speed limit is completely ridiculous. I have even heard law enforcement officers indicate that they usually won't pull someone over strictly for speeding unless they are 10 mph over the posted speed limit. Well that statement alone is going to encourage most drivers to exceed the speed limit.
Another aspect of the posted speed limit is the fact that engineering studies were done to provide us with that number in ideal circumstances such as a sunny dry warm day. Does this mean people slow down when its raining, night time or when ice is possible? Some drivers do but not near enough that should.
I have lost track of the number of times I have been passed by someone going 10 to 15 mph over the posted speed limit, to crest a hill and hit their brakes because there is a law enforcement officer setup with a radar unit. I will admit the ultimate redemption for me is when I get to pass someone further down the road that flew past me that is now sitting on the shoulder receiving their speed ticket.
I will close this post by simply asking everyone to try and remember that the posted speed limit exists in an attempt to keep us safer on the roadways and get us to our destinations without injuring ourselves or others.